
Janssen Immunology EADV 2019 Satellite Symposium


This satellite symposium will focus on IL-23 pathway inhibition in the management of psoriasis. During their presentations, the speakers will discuss the pathophysiology of psoriasis and the scientific rationale for using different classes of biologics, share insights from clinical trials and biologics registries and how to use these insights to make clinical decisions, and reflect upon the management of psoriasis patients with specific needs and comorbidities. The meeting will close with an interactive panel discussion and Q&A during which the audience are invited to submit their questions and comments through an interactive device. We hope you can join us during this meeting.



  • Kristian Reich (Scientfic Commitee) (Germany)
  • Richard Warren (Scientfic Commitee) (UK)
  • Brian Kirby (Ireland)


 Learning objective

After this meeting, participants should be able to:

  • Analyse the safety and efficacy clinical data, in addition to real-world data from registries and other sources
  • Critically review the role of disease modification and hypothesize how treatment optimization strategies could be utilized for optimal long-term patient outcomes
  • Devise strategies for treatment individualization and optimization based on patient needs, genetic predisposition, and pharmacoeconomic considerations
  • Recognize factors that influence treatment selection and management of patients with comorbidities



More Info
82 Minutes
EM-15830 - Date of preparation: August 2019